Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vegas Baby! - Part Three

Saturday marked day three of our trip. Before we left the hotel, I filled the bathtub up with ice for our drinks that went untouched the night before. We kicked off Saturday like we did the day before, with a mudslide from Fat Tuesday. From there the six of us headed south on the strip. We stopped at MGM to pick up our tickets for Kà that night. Once we had our tickets we walked across the street to NY, NY for some lunch. Before the trip I checked frommers.com for ideas for good restaurants. Jodi Maroni's Sausage Kingdom received good ratings so most of the group decided on that for lunch. I had the Hot Italian Sausage with grilled onions and bell peppers. I was quite pleased, especially with how cheap it was. Before we went further south to Mandalay Bay, I stopped at the pretzel stand to finish up my meal with a warm soft salted pretzel. It was delicious. We made a few pit stops for beverages and to play the slots on our way to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. The aquarium was something different for us to do while in Vegas. There were some neat fish and scurry-looking sharks. The sea turtles were my favorites though. I had a hard time getting any good pictures while we were there, because the fish swam by so fast. Following the aquarium we slowly made our way back to our hotel to prepare for the evening's festivities. Eric, Alex, Tasha, and myself got fixed up and loaded up with cocktails for Kà. Before we entered the theater we stopped at the concession stand inside. We each ordered one of their specialty drinks that were approximately 32 ounces and $18.00 each. Yes they were expensive, but man were they tasty. The show was absolutely amazing. To give you a little taste of what we saw, here is a link to the website, http://www.ka.com/. Once the show came to an end, we headed towards the Eiffel Tower Restaurant, where we had made reservations the day before, to meet Brian and Lynnae for dinner. The restaurant is pretty high-class and has quite a view of the strip. Our meals were wonderful. I think everyone ordered a steak, although of various sorts. We all had a great time. We were probably a little too rowdy for the rest of the crowd at the restaurant. We told the waiter that we were celebrating a birthday so at the end of dinner Tasha got a desert that had, "Happy Birthday" written in chocolate on the plate. On our way back to the hotel we paused outside for some photos beside the fountain. After we all got changed into casual clothes we were ready for a late night of gambling. The six of us got separated at some point. After a while, Eric and Alex found a craps table to play at. When almost all for their buy-in was gone a man came up to them and started to give them advice on how to bet. They followed his instructions and before they knew it, they each had a big pile of chips in front of them. I'm not sure how much time passed, but even after giving the guy several of their chips they ended up way ahead of where they started. While this was going on Tasha and I were getting really creeped out. It seemed like someone stuck a sign over our heads that said, "Weird guys, come talk to us." So, we were ready to have Eric and Alex be near us so we could be left alone. Eventually we headed back to our rooms. The girls decided to go to bed, but Eric and Alex went back downstairs to play Black Jack for a while. They played for a few hours and both went to bed up quite a bit for the day.
One more day to go.

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