Friday, June 27, 2008

Vegas Baby! - Part Four

Sunday was our last full day in Vegas, "sob." We originally planned on renting a car and driving out to Hoover Dam. We didn't ever get around to going though. By the time we got up and around, it was lunch time. We decided to go to Stage Deli for lunch. Eric and I had just eaten at Stage Deli in New York and it was awesome, so we (Eric, Alex, Tasha, and me) decided to try the one at Caesar's. We walked around, took a wrong turn or two in the forum shops and eventually found the restaurant. The menu was different from the one in NYC. Our sandwiches were still delicious. They don't fool around when they put the meat on their sandwiches. After we stuffed ourselves we headed back to our casino to meet Brian and Lynnae. Eric and Alex were jonesing to get back on the Black Jack table so when they found some empty seats they jumped at them. Brian sat down with them. The three of us girls played the slot machines for a while. All the machines were doing for me was stealing my money, and I couldn't even find a cocktail waitress to get me a free drink. The other two were doing well with the slots though. I got bored of losing money and not having a beverage so I went to watch the guys play Black Jack. After a while I realized what was wrong. I hadn't had my daily mudslide yet. When Tasha and Lynnae showed up we strolled over to Fat Tuesday. With mudslide in hand, my day took a turn for the better. I eventually sat down with the boys to play Black Jack. After several hours I noticed I was still up. We had a fun table which made it even better. I dreaded each time we got a new dealer because it took them a while to warm up to us. They all eventually did though. Brian left after a while and Eric, Alex, and me played. Eventually I decided I wanted to get something to eat so Eric and I got up from the table. Alex was still winning so he didn't want to get up. Eric, Tasha, and me were watching him play, just waiting for him to call it quits. One of the dealers took a few chips from Alex's stack and had Tasha play with them. She starting winning too. So before long Eric and I sat back down to play. Finally at about 10:00 we decided to take a break and get some dinner. All four of us cashed out with way more chips than we started with. We went to La Salsa for some margaritas and chips and salsa. After dinner Eric and Alex found a new Black Jack table. This one didn't feel right to me so I didn't sit back down. My feeling was right. The two of them took a beating. All too soon I had to go upstairs to pack, as we were leaving fairly early the next morning. About the time I finished packing Eric came upstairs to our room. The next morning we all climbed in a limo for a ride to the airport. We said our goodbyes since we were flying different airlines so we had different terminals to go to. This Vegas trip was one of the most fun trips to Vegas we have ever had. I wasn't ready to come home and I'm looking forward to the next trip.

1 comment:

Alex Martin said...

OK, OK. First of all I need to apologize for my actions. I know that when you first started this Blog I had said that I would be the only one to post comments to it, well, I guess time has got away from me since I have been so busy working on Bone's house that I haven't had time to post anything lately, so I am sorry for that.

I just got done catching up on the Blog. I really enjoyed reading "Vegas Baby!" since you were so descriptive and it made me for a moment, feel like I was back in Vegas. I had such a good time in Vegas with everyone and I can't wait to do another Group trip.

I think the reason that I like to go to Vegas so much is because it is like going to a restaurant that you know is really good. You know exactly what you are going to order and no matter what, in the end, it is great.

That being said, I hope to read up some more when the next post comes out and I promise that it won't be over a month the next time I post a comment.

I'll be seeing you guys shortly.
