Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vegas Baby! - Part One

Eric and I just got back from an awesome trip to Vegas last weekend. We arrived in Vegas on Thursday night and came home on Monday. The reason for the trip was to help Tasha celebrate her 21st birthday. Eric and I met the rest of our group; Alex, Tasha, Brian, and Lynnae in Vegas. We flew out from KC, while everyone else left from Denver.

Eric and I were afraid we were going to miss our flight. We decided to run a few errands Thursday afternoon before we left. While we were out, we ran into a little car trouble. I was waiting in the car for Eric, and instead of turning it on I just turned the key enough for the radio and air to come on. When Eric came back out we discovered I killed the battery. Oops! We made a desperate call to our friend Mike, who was stuck in traffic, to come give us a jump start. He saved us, but we were still incredibly short on time. We hadn't even packed or taken the dogs to the kennel. We had planned on leaving the house close to the time that we finally made it back to the house. While I packed our bags, Eric dropped the kids off at the kennel. We made it to the airport right at 30 minutes before our flight was to leave. Eric dropped me at the terminal with the bags so we could get checked in. In order for him not to get left behind he had to park in what he calls "Rock Star Parking." Instead of paying $5.50 a day in economy, we paid I think $18.00 a day. The good news is after all of that we were able to make our flight.

We arrived in Vegas later than expected because KC was experiencing some nasty storms and we had to fly way north to avoid the storm. We hopped on a shuttle bus after we retrieved our bags and found our way to our hotel. This trip we stayed at Planet Hollywood. We were both pleased with the hotel. It was a great location, nice room, and had an excellent view. All the rooms have a different movie theme. Ours was Rainman. Planet Hollywood sits across the street from the Bellagio, so we were able to watch the fountains from our room several times. Planet Hollywood is directly beside Paris, so we also had a great view of the Eiffel Tower as well.

We didn't do much the first night. We didn't meet up with Brian and Lynnae until the next day because we took so long to get there, they ended up falling asleep. After settling in and getting cleaned up, Eric, Alex, Tasha, and myself made our way to MGM so I could get a mudslide from Fat Tuesday. Much to my dismay, they were closed. Eric and I were starving so we jotted across the street to NY, NY for a slice. NY, NY has an excellent pizza place in the casino that we eat at every trip to Vegas. After that we headed back towards the hotel but made a pit-stop on the way. We have found that beer is much cheaper if it is purchased at a convenience store instead of the bars/casinos. We picked up a six-pack of Bud Light Lime and strolled back to the hotel. We decided to hang out in the younger Martin's room to lay back and visit. After we polished off the beer everyone was pretty sleepy since it was around 3:00am Vegas time. Eric and I headed down the hall to our room and crashed for the evening.

To be continued...

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