Sunday, February 3, 2008


Last Saturday we had a little excitement. After I arrived home from work I started to clean the house up because we had plans to have some friends come over for dinner. While cleaning the main bathroom, I decide I was tired of the glass bowl with potpourri on the counter. I carefully washed it, because I knew it was very fragile. I first was going to let it air-dry, but grew impatient. I got a towel out to dry it and while holding the thin glass bowl in my left shattered! Luckily I was right by the sink so I immediately put my hand under cold running water to control the blood. I had a few choice four-letter words to scream out. Eric hollered from the office to see if I was fine. Part of my response was, "I may need stiches." I thought I was joking. Eric doctored me up with some butterfly tape. He insisted I go to the doctor, so we headed to urgent care. After paying our co-pay and getting checked in, a nurse came out to take a quick look. She looked at my thumb and said we should go to the ER. She was afraid I might have damaged a tendon. So back to the counter for a refund for our co-pay. After that, Eric drove me to Olathe Med to the ER. After much waiting I got checked in to my first room and received my tetnus shot. We waited more after that and got bumped to a different room. Eventually my doctor came in and took care of my hand. I ended up with seven stiches under my thumb. He glued the big gash on the top of my middle finger because the shots they would give to numb my finger were going to be pretty painful. I also had several small cuts on my other fingers and on my wrist. The whole ordeal lasted about four hours. We had to cancel our plans with our friends.

My hand is looking much better. I should be able to get my stiches out in a few more days. I took the picture of my hand yesterday (one week after the injury). The other picture is of a bowl much like the one that wrecked my hand.

1 comment:

Rick said...

OMG...Becca, that looks like it really hurts. I hope you are doing better now. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
You'll have to have Eric put your helmet on, get you some crayons and have you go sit over in the corner. Just kidding. Get better soon. Love ya, Pap