Monday, January 28, 2008

First Post

Several years ago I registered a domain name for the purpose of starting a home-grown blog and publishing a photo album. The idea was to keep all of the family up to date on what Becca and I had been doing. We were going to post photos, write about what we were up to, and allow for a bit more communication than the occasional email.

I setup Gallery, and imported a bunch of pictures (mostly from our then recent trip to Ireland). We put captions on quite a few, but we sent very few people the URL, and there were some authentication problems. Eventually, we kind of forgot about doing updates. I never bothered to script any code for a custom blog system either.

Sometime in 2006 I decided to start a blog with Blogger (and I think I did, though I can't find the original). Here it is now, January of 2008, and I'm making my first post! Quintessential Eric procrastination right there! Perhaps it will be another two years before I send anyone the URL. =)

Now that I'm done with my pathetic explanation, let me explain what our new intentions are. Both Becca and I are planning to make frequent posts to this blog. We're going to be posting on two different things:

1) We're going to make a post for every trip that we take. I'm going to describe the trip from my point of view, and include pictures or videos that I like the most. Becca is going to write about the trip from her perspective, and post the pictures or videos that she likes the most. Odds are, I'm going to try to embarrass her at some point. I'm sure she's going to do the same to me.

2) We're going to have abstract postings; perhaps posts about our hobbies, or pictures of our house's basement since we've finished it... That kind of stuff. Please feel free to comment and add to what we hope will become a compendium of shenanigans!



Alex Martin said...


Very good idea with the blog. I will continue to post comments since I will probably be the only one reading the blogs. ;) (J/K)


PS - I agree with you on the food! Maybe I can get Gunner to buy me a burrito next time I see him...

Wild Bill Hiccup said...

Pimp! I needs me one o' these. Wait, I don't post to Xanga or facebook anymore...

Glad you got this up bro. Who knows, maybe the occasional "comment" won't intimidate me quite as much as a full blown... dare I say it?... email.

I'm really actually thinking about starting a blog as well, but not from the socializing standpoint. I've been working on a few projects in my spare time and I'd like to be able to post my progress online for peeps to see and comment on. In short, unprecedented capacity to fish for compliments :)

One of the first things to go up (if the blog ever happens) will be my Rockband (xBox 360) guitar controller conversion. I'm taking the guts from one of the USB guitar controllers and stuffing em in a real guitar (w/ lots 'o custom modding, and beautifying to boot). I'm about half-way done so far... and it's a LOT more work than I thought it would be.

Look at me go. I can't write an email but I can blog like a sonofabeech! Thanks for putting this up. It'll be nice to see what you're up to every once in a while.


Wild Bill Hiccup said...


Rick said...

Hey ya'll, this seems pretty cool. Just so ya know, this is my first time. I know, you're thinking 'o he's not a blogergin'. Oh, it's true. OH, IT'S TRUE!! Well, I hope this gets through. See ya, Pap

Chris said...

OMG Casey! Oh yeah, there's a boy who can...type. Yeah, that's the word.

Well maybe we'll hear more from you via this blog than we do any other place.

And Eric, it's not procrastination, it's taking your time and making sure it's what you really want to do. hehehe