Sunday, June 20, 2010

Vacation - Part 2

Monday's adventures didn't start until mid-afternoon, since I slept well into the afternoon. I was super exhausted, and Eric had to finally wake me up since I wasn't waking up on my own. We had to rearrange our plans since my sleepiness put us behind schedule. We got cleaned up and headed back to the Inner Harbor area,where we were the night before. On the way there we stopped at a Subway and grabbed a few sandwiches for a late lunch. Once we arrived at the harbor, we bought tickets to see the historic ships situated around the harbor. Our first ship was the USS Constellation. The Constellation was the last all-sail ship built by the US Navy and it is the only vessel still afloat that saw active service during the Civil War. Eric and I both enjoyed touring the ship. There were very few other tourists there, so we were able to explore the ship without having to fight a crowd. After the Constellation we made a quick tour through the Chesapeake. It is a lightship that was commissioned in 1930. We spent much less time in this ship, since we boarded it close to closing time. I learned that a lightship is basically a floating lighthouse. My favorite tidbit I learned though, was that the Coast Guard ships used to have dogs for mascots. Accompanied by the history of some of the more famous dogs, were several pictures of the pooches in action. Next, we wandered around the harbor for a while before returning to the hotel to get ready for dinner. We took a taxi to Little Italy, for dinner at Sabatino's. Their garlic bread was absolutely fantastic. Our meals were delicious as well. Eric had fettuccine alfredo and I had lasagna. We walked back to our hotel, but stopped along the way at a bar in the Power Plant live area (which is like a very miniature version of KC's P&L area) for a few drinks.
Tuesday we got up and around much earlier, so we could see more of the sights we had listed on our itinerary. Baltimore has water taxis that shuttle passengers around the area for a flat fee for the day. We took one to the Fell's Point area for brunch. Before our trip, Eric and I had seen an episode of Diner's, Drive-ins, and Dives that featured a little restaurant called Blue Moon Cafe, located in Fell's Point. Ever since I saw the episode I had been dying to try it out. We both had their signature dish of Captain Crunch French Toast. I thought it was fabulous, but it was a bit too sweet for Eric. After strolling through the neighborhood for a little while, we headed back to the water taxi stop. While we waited for one, we looked at a British Navy destroyer that was docked at the harbor. It was enormous! Once the water taxi arrived, we took it to the aquarium. There were all sorts of cool creatures there. Some of our favorites were: an octopus, a sea turtle that was missing one of it's legs/fins, manta rays, jellyfish, and all kinds of sharks. We spent several hours at the aquarium since it was so big and had so many things to see. After we finished there, we took a very short walk to the USS Torsk. The Torsk is a submarine that was commissioned in 1944. It sank 2 Japanese coastal defense frigates in 1945. Next up, we went back to the hotel to get ready for the Orioles game. The stadium was just a short walk from our hotel so we headed over shortly before game time. Camden Yards, where the Orioles play, is an awesome ball park to visit. The stadium is in a great location and the park is full of vendors. Eric and I had a wonderful time at the game. We sat along the 3rd base foul line. During the game we partook in my favorite baseball activities; we drank beers, ate peanuts and BBQ, and cheered the home team on to a win. Baltimore beat Oakland 5-1. It was a nice finish to our stay in Baltimore. We left the next morning via train for Washington DC.

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