Saturday, July 11, 2009

Washington DC - Day 3

Friday marked day three of our trip. Eric and I slept in pretty late, like we usually do when we are on vacation. After we got around we walked to a nearby Chipotle and got some tacos. We took our food back to Dupont Circle to eat while relaxing on the benches in the beautiful weather. Following lunch, we purchased our day passes for the subway and then rode to the closest stop to our destination, the National Museum of Natural History. After wandering around inside we saw that there was an IMAX theater, so we decided to see a show. We reviewed our options of movies and chose Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia. While we waited for it to start we looked at some more of the exhibits and got something to drink and a cappuccino gelato from the cafeteria. The IMAX show was pretty cool. It was in 3D, and I sat back in my chair throughout a lot of the show since it felt like the dinosaurs were coming at me. Following the show we went back to looking at exhibits for a few hours. Some of the things that we saw were: the Hope Diamond, lots of dinosaur bones, numerous mammals, ancient Egyptian artifacts, various underwater creatures, and countless other items. While Eric and I were at the museum the weather took a turn for the worse. We stepped outside to leave and it was pouring rain. We waited around for it to stop, but it didn't seem like there was an end in sight. Since we had left our umbrellas in the suitcase at the hotel, we went back inside to the gift shop to buy ponchos. I think they were $5 each. They were pretty much large trash bags with arm holes and a hood and ended up being almost completely worthless. It was raining super hard, so the water soaked our feet in less than a minute and the began working its way up our jeans quickly as well. We stopped under some overhangs for breaks from the rain a few times on our way back to the subway. We went back to the hotel to get into some dry clothes since the stupid rain cut our sightseeing short again. Of course the rain stopped shortly after we got back to the hotel. Sitting on the floor in our room, I used my blow dryer to dry our jeans and shoes that we had been wearing. While we were drying off I consulted my Frommer's book and decided on Hank's Oyster Bar for dinner. We walked to the restaurant and had to wait quite a while for a table since the little restaurant was so popular. We ended up getting the corner table on the patio that we had been hoping to be seated at. The meal was full of firsts for me. I had the first oysters that I really enjoyed, my first ceviche, and my first soft-shell crab. We had a great time and enjoyed a delicious meal. We were going to get a few beers to take to our room, but the liquor stores had closed by the time we had made our way back to the hotel. We ended up having some over-priced drinks at the bar in our hotel before going upstairs to go to bed.

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