Monday, April 13, 2009

Louisiana - Part 4

On Wednesday, March 18th before we left Biloxi we went back to the beach for a few minutes. I wanted to get a few more pictures and collect a little sand before leaving. We didn't linger long because we needed to hit the road for New Orleans.
Upon our arrival to New Orleans, we checked into our hotel. The last time Eric and I were in New Orleans, we ate at Acme Oyster House in the French Quarter. It was really tasty so we decided to go there for a late lunch. At the hotel, we looked up the address and entered it into Eric's phone (that has GPS). We followed the directions it gave us, which seemed like a good idea at the time. We didn't think the idea all the way through because they were driving directions and we ended up doing a lot of back-tracking because of the one way streets. After we arrived at the restaurant and were seated, we ordered a round of beers while we looked over the menu. Eric and I ordered a dozen oysters on the half-shell for an appetizer. Eric has eaten oysters several times and really likes them, but this was my first try. The slimy appearance of the oysters had previously always creeped me out too much to try them. I found them to be not too shabby. I ate mine on a cracker with some Chipotle Tabasco sauce. (I still wasn't brave enough to just slurp them out of the shell.) For my meal I ate a shrimp po-boy, Eric had a combination plate with jambalaya, gumbo, and red beans and rice, and Jim had some fried crawfish. We had a few more beers and made our way out to wander the French Quarter. I wanted to go to Fat Tuesday to have one of their delicious mudslides, but we spotted a neat little courtyard and meandered inside. It was a little bar named, Pat O'Brien's. The courtyard was set back from the street and was full of tables with plants all around. We found a table and started ordering Hurricanes. The drinks were huge, and the bartender was generous with the amount of alcohol in each glass. Before we knew it; it was dark, we had a table full of empty glasses, and we were extremely impaired. I guess I should also mention that our drinks were $10 each. We each had 4 drinks. For the low price of $10 a drink, patrons are allowed to keep their glasses. If you don't want to keep the glass, then you can turn it back in for $3. Well, as I mentioned we had each had 4 drinks so we weren't thinking clearly enough to get our $36 back and just left the glasses on the table. When we finally left Pat O'Brien's we headed across to Fat Tuesday's for the much anticipated mudslides. With mudslides in hands, we stumbled around the French Quarter joining a ghost tour group, grabbing a slice of pizza, and ducking into bars to hear bands. Before heading back to the hotel, the guys decided it would be a good idea to get another mudslide, while I managed to have enough sense to decline. We somehow made it back to our hotel and crashed.
The next day the guys seemed to feel pretty good, but I felt absolutely horrible. We got checked out of the hotel and drove to the market area to find Cafe du Monde; where they are famous for their beignets and cafe au lait. We found a table in their courtyard and ordered our breakfast/lunch. The beignets were loaded with confectioner's sugar and were marvelous. We decided to walk along the river walk a while to look at the boats and rest of the scenery. Jim got tricked into getting a shoe shine by some guy along the river walk. We ended up getting back to the car just in time. We hadn't noticed when we parked there, but we parked in a no parking area. The officer was issuing citations and we managed to pull out of the spot before we got one. After that we headed back to Baton Rouge for a peaceful evening at Jim's brother's house. We went out for a little bit to Buffalo Wild Wings for some wings and beer.
The following day we went to a goodbye lunch with Jim's family at Ralph and Kacoo's (it is a nice seafood/cajun restaurant). From there we headed back to Kansas City. We stopped in Natchitoches, Louisiana, where we had planned to stay the night. Jim went to school there, and drove us around the campus area. Natchitoches is famous for their meatpies. Unfortunately the restaurants where they are served are closed on Fridays. We decided to head on home because we couldn't get our meatpies and we were ready to sleep in our own beds. To help the lengthy trip go faster for me I decided to sleep most of the way home. Jim's long drive ended when we arrived in Olathe sometime around 3:00 in the morning.

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