Monday, March 23, 2009

Louisiana Trip - Part 1

Last week I was on spring break, so Eric and our friend Jim took off work so we could make a trip down to Louisiana to take part in a crawfish boil with Jim's family. We left home early on Saturday, March 14th and spent the entire day driving to Jim's mom's house in Southern Louisiana. We didn't arrive there until around 10:30 that evening so we just relaxed a while before heading to bed.
The next day (Sunday) we got up and prepared for the crawfish boil. It was such a cool experience. Jim's uncle went to the crawfish pond in the morning and brought back almost 4 full bags of crawfish, which was around 150 pounds. Eric and I watched the entire process enthusiastically. Outside, a gigantic pot was used to cook the crawfish. In the pot was a bag of crawfish, sausage, onions, corn-on-the-cob, potatoes, garlic, crawfish seasoning, and oranges. When it was ready the mixture was dumped on the picnic tables that were lined with newspaper. Eric and I received some lessons from Jim's family on the proper technique for getting to the crawfish meat. (We later discovered that various people have their own preferred way of doing it.) I was a little nervous that I wouldn't like the crawfish. I was happily surprised that it tasted marvelous. I still can not believe how much I liked it. Quickly, everyone had a large pile of empty shells in front of them. Luckily, we didn't have to wait long for the next batch to be ready. All too soon we got full, when there was still so much delicious fool to be consumed. After a while, I had to help myself to some apple pie a la mode. We spent the afternoon eating, drinking, and socializing with Jim's family. Besides enjoying the food, I loved listening to everyone's southern accent. I found myself envious that I'm not from a region that I would develop a cool accent.
After everyone left, Eric, Jim, Brett (Jim's brother), and myself drove a short distance to see the family's old plantation home. Jim's aunt gave us a tour of the house and provided us with interesting historical facts about the home. We stayed there for a while and had a few drinks with his aunt and uncle before heading back to his mom's.
The remainder of the evening was spent relaxing in front of the TV and planning for the rest of the week.

(To be continued)

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