Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 3 Napa/San Francisco

I've been so busy procrastinating I "forgot" to post about the rest of our trip. Its been like 3 months now, so we'll see how much I can remember.
On Saturday, we left our hotel and headed back for the gorgeous city, San Francisco. On the way back we took Highway 101 so we could drive across the Golden Gate Bridge. (On the way to Napa we took the Bay Bridge.) After maneuvering around several busy one way streets in San Fran, we located our hotel and a parking garage. Our hotel was so close to the Bay Bridge, it was almost under it. I was disappointed to find the hotel lobby under construction. After leaving our luggage in our tiny room we took off for a stroll along The Embarcadero. I enjoy walking along the water. It is soothing to me. Along the way we decided to head over to China Town to see if we could find any restaurants that would strike our fancy. Nothing jumped out at us, so we went north to Fisherman's Wharf. We ended up sitting outside and having some yummy clam chowder in bread bowls. The area was surrounded with pigeons begging for food, so we shared. While we were at Fisherman's Wharf we paid a visit to the sea lions. I love them. Their barking, or whatever you call it, makes me smile. ( I also posted a video I took of them at night, so you can hear them) The rest of the afternoon we bar hopped. At each bar we had some beer, my beer of choice was the local beer Anchor Steam, and watched college football games on TV. That night we walked back towards our hotel and decided to stop in the Little Italy area for some pasta. The restaurant we decided on was Calzone's. The wait was long and the food was pretty tasty. After finishing our food and wine we concluded our walk to the hotel. The following morning we left fairly early for the airport to come home.