Monday, September 1, 2008


The second weekend in August Alex and Tasha came to visit us. We had a fun-filled weekend. I should have made this post when the events were fresher in my mind, as now that I'm trying to remember what we did, I'm finding it difficult.
On Saturday we started out with lunch at Jose Pepper's. In my humble opinion, Jose Pepper's has some of the best margaritas in the area. I never eat there without having at least two margaritas to accompany my meal. From there we went up to Legends (a shopping/restaurant area up by the speedway). We stopped at Yardhouse to have a beer while we waited for our movie time to arrive. We watched The Dark Knight at the theater at Legends. It was a very cool movie. I would have to say that I like Batman Begins better though. After the movie we went to The Woodlands and bet on the dog races. I do not think I have ever done as poorly as I did that night. I don't think I won a single race. I tried looking at stats, picking the prettiest dog, deciding on my favorite name, nothing would work. Even though I didn't win, I had a great time. After the races we went back to Yardhouse to have dinner before calling it a night.
On Sunday we had lunch at Planet Sub followed by dessert at Sylas and Maddy's. I had the cappuccino chip ice cream. It was delicious. Sunday afternoon we went downtown to the Power and Light district. We bowled at Lucky Strike for a few hours. I love the atmosphere there, it is very retro. We had a drink at Ragland Road before heading to the plaza for dinner. We were hungry for Japanese steakhouse so we tried out Hibachi. It was glad that we tried it, but I probably won't go back there since there are several others that I like better. Following dinner we drove out to Cool Crest for a round of putt-putt. We got there fairly close to closing time so we were rushed. Mack's ball went off the green at one point, so he tried to chip in with his putter. His ball went completely off the course and bounced out of the parking lot so the rest of us took turns letting him use one of our balls. A few rounds later I hit my ball and it disappeared. I think it must have stuck in one of the obstacles. So then the four of us tried to use two balls. It was pretty amusing. We ended up getting rushed out since it was closing time. We weren't ready to go home yet so we went back to P&L. We had a few drinks at Gordon Biersch Brewery. I guess I should clarify that Eric, Alex, and Tasha had a few drinks, I only had one. I ordered a wheat beer. I thought it was pretty gross so it took me longer to finish my drink. That was our last stop of the day.
Monday we didn't do much since Alex and Tasha had to go home. We had a hard time deciding where to have lunch, so we ended up going to one of our usual spots Buffalo Wild Wings. After that we ran to Costco and Sam's Club to stock up on groceries and other household goods. We tried to talk Alex and Tasha into sticking around for a movie, but didn't have any luck.